We are a wine brand born and created by Phillip and Michelle Dweck , a couple passionate about wines that has the very history marked by the marriage proposal made in a vinicola of the gaucha mountain range and that already in the preparations of the wedding, when in search of the perfect wine for celebration, decided to create their own products. Thus was born the 18k, which in partnership with Vinicolas do Sul made its first production, held in January 2017, under the rabbinical supervision of BDK and the attentive eyes of the couple who always participate in all production processes.
We have the mission of providing quality grape juices, wines and sparkling wines at an affordable price for the Jewish community, making consumption a daily practice.
With 5 years of history, now under the rabbinical supervision of BDK and StarK, we work to be a reference brand for Kasher grape products in the national and international market.

It’s the food and drink that meets Kashrut’s demands.
Kashrut is a set of food norms and precepts based on the Tora (Sacred Book of Judaism). Kasher means “good”, “fit” and “trustworthy”.
There are very particular demands from Kashrut regarding wine and especially those who handle it. According to the requirements, the wine cannot be considered Kasher if there is any suspicion that it has been used for idolatry, much documented in paid practices, and for this reason there is an excessive concern that those who handle the wine are a Jew, the only one who can handle the wine during some stages of production, so there is no doubt that it has not been used for idolatry. The wine becomes unfit for idolatry from the moment it is boiled or cooked, when it happens to be called Mevushal. After this stage, kasher wine can be handled by anyone because it is unfit for idolatry.